Page 8 - Lienz Treasure Chest
P. 8

Looking Back on History                            Schloss Bruck.

 We don’t know much about the   cen”. As an adequate lordly seat,
 Neolithic people, from whose li-  Schloss (Castle) Bruck was built.
 ves two axes were found on the   The present town’s layout and
 Schlossberg. But of course, that   many well-preserved buildings
 was no less than 4000 years ago.   were created under Gorizian rule.
 Later Celts, Slavs and Baiuvarii   As the bride of Count Leonhard,
 settled here. But there is one high-  Paola Gonzaga was the first to
 light in the early history of Lienz   bring Italian flair from Mantua to
 and its surroundings: Aguntum.   the formerly warlike and austere
 Given city rights almost 2000 ye-  town. With them, the Gorizian dy-
 ars ago, it was a centre of trade for   nasty died out. The Italian flair has
 the Romans, located near the fa-  remained. The town is no longer
 mous Via Iulia Augusta, the direct   austere, but lovely. Maximilian I
 connection to Aquileia. Aguntum’s   only briefly ruled Lienz and “sold”
 heyday lasted into the 600s AD.   the rule to Baron Michael von Wol-
 Extensive excavations demonstra-  kenstein-Rodenegg for 22,000
 te the size and wealth of this uni-  guilders. Later, House Wolken-
 que Roman city.  stein moved their seat from the
 clunky knights’ fortress to the re-
 Around 1022, Lienz was mentio-  fined Liebburg. Fires, plagues and
 ned for the first time as “Luenzi-  floods did not spare Lienz and had
 na”. The Gorizian counts cleared   to be overcome. But progress was
 the valley until the end of the 12th   unstoppable. Schools were built,
 century and founded Lienz as a   associations were founded. After
 knightly fortress.  World War II had inflicted deep
 wounds on the town, things mo-
 In 1242, Lienz was first mentioned   ved upward once again.
 as a city under the name of “Luan-

 Museum of the Roman city of Aguntum.

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