Page 28 - Lienz Treasure Chest
P. 28

The mysterious Tamerburg.

            22  The “Book of Victims” at the      Branching path – expanded tour
          Liberation Memorial in Lienz – More   variant: Go north along a narrow pathway and
                                    a few hundred metres west to the Tamerburg.
          than 100 people fell victim to the
          Nazi regime in East Tyrol. 48 of
          them are now found in the “Book
          of Victims” next to the “Memorial to   24  Tamerburg – The first cons-
          Commemorate East Tyrol’s Fighters   truction phase of this massive
          for Austria’s Freedom and the Vic-  square building with oriel windows
          tims of Nazism 1938 – 1945” to the   at the corner is dated around the
          west of St Andrew’s Parish Church.  late 13th to 14th century. The spe-
                                    cific function of the building is un-
            23  Cemeteries north and nor-  known, although it may be related
          thwest of the church – These two   to the Lienz town judge Ernst von
          civilian cemeteries are separated   Dobrawitz. After two more cons-
          by  two military  cemeteries.  They   truction  phases  in  the mid-16th
          have already provided a final res-  century, the castle was used by the
          ting place for many. The artworks   Welsperger dynasty as their noble
          at the graves include works by well-  seat. In 1654, Lienz court scribe
          known local artists like Virgil Rainer,   Marx Dinzl von Angerburg acqui-
          Hermann Pedit Sr., Hans Pontiller   red the estate. Called “Tamerburg”
          and Jos Pirkner.          from the 18th century onwards, the
                                    castle later became a farmstead
          Military cemeteries – For the fal-  and was bought by the town of
          len soldiers of World War I and II.   Lienz in 1922 to be used for cultu-
          The  memorial chapel  to  Emperor   ral purposes. The building remains
          Karl, from 1935/1936, was built   shrouded in mystery. It is said that,
          according to the plans of Heinrich   before deaths or other misfortunes,
          Liener.                   the “White Lady” wanders restless-
 Arcades of the District War Memorial.  ly through the house.

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